Central Illinois IH Collectors
Chapter 10
Thank you!!!
A Message From Rollie:
What an exciting time for IH enthusiasts! Two great big events….The line up at HCOP
of 100 Farmalls from 1923 to 2023. YES we got one for each year. That couldn’t have
been done without the awesome help of some key individuals. Four directors put in extra
effort to find the needed years for the line-up: J.C. Reitmeier, Derek Harms, Chuck Hoene and Kurt
Jansen. Steve Appl braved the rain showers Sunday morning to help measure out 100
spaces for the tractors. Three individuals were extra committed to find the newer, big
tractors from local farms: Bill Flavin, Ryan Musson, and Dyke Shaffer. Without their
work we might have had at least15 empty spots. We thank Central Illinois Ag and Doug
Franzen for their help in making the tractor drive from Farmer City to the Farm Progress
Show a big Success. Marvin Johnson was also a big help.
If you brought a tractor to Rantoul, or had your tractor part of the display at Decatur we
offer you our heartfelt thanks. And I’d be remiss not to thank Fran for her help during
the last nine months!
Rollie Moore